Monday, February 3, 2020

Super Bowl Halftime 2020

Maybe the Superbowl isn't your thing (it's not mine, either), but the halftime show was incredible this year. Watching two powerful women take command of the stage, the crowd, and the all-too-brief moment to deliver an unmistakeable cross-cultural message was stunning. Yes it was sexualized, but haven't all traditional dance forms performed by women been sexualized? Belly-dancing too erotic for you? Then you don't know much about belly-dancing. Twerking makes you clutch your pearls and reach for the remote? Then it's time to google the West African dance mapouka. Pole dancing make you think "stripper" and not "athlete"? Then you you know zilch about pole dancing. WTF was that thing Shakira did with her tongue? Look up Arabic zaghrouta. And if the more subtle cultural references zipped by, you couldn't miss the young girls singing from cages referencing our border tragedy while J. Lo sang "Born in the USA" wrapped in a Puerto Rican flag. Latin, African, Middle Eastern dance references wrapped in an incredibly designed package performed by SO MANY WOMEN. I am in total awe of what these two performers did with their 15 minutes, influence, talent, and hard work.

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