Wednesday, January 8, 2020

We made this!

When I write tunes I often hear a whole score in my head - variations, harmonies, counterpoint. I don't know how to write all of that out in musical notation, but I do know how it SHOULD sound.

And then along comes a band who gets it - by intuition and gentle coaching - there are the tunes I wrote the way they were meant to be played! I was there (and playing) when we recorded this, but it wasn't until we got the masters back that I realized this was what I wanted to hear when I composed them! The over-the-top raggity Big Phat Ragg, the sweetly sentimental Cote a Cote, the completely unexpected bluesy Tampico Road. I actually wept a little when I heard the studio recordings and spent a moment in gratitude for the gift of musicians who get me.

You should buy our CD - it's really GOOD!

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