Monday, March 23, 2020

My Dearest Sister - March 23, 2020

My Dearest Sister,

Your sister-in-law and I have discovered the most wonderful exercise from India, Yoga. How divine I feel after a series of ritual poses. I feel better than if I had spent a week in Mr. Kellogg’s Michigan retreat, that is for certain. It is nice to know I can get the same rejuvenated results here at home, and dare I say, I can do so without all of Mr. Kellogg’s invasive procedures. You really must try it!... The yoga that is, not that nonsense of Mr. Kellogg’s keister business! Of that, I assure you, I will not endure again. I leave drawings of two frowned faces, so you know that this is not a subject I wish to make light of.😠😠

I planted the lettuce today. It was nice to be out in the garden.

I corresponded with some friends today and oddly found myself in a bit of a quarrel with an acquaintance of Mother, but I dare say, I do not know of what the quarrel was about. Although I do not know this person, we were heated over a subject that, for the life of me, I didn’t know or, for that matter, suspect. It was similar to a couple that is married, and they find themselves in an argument and, after one spouse leaves the room in a huff, the other is left dumbfounded. I was the one left, not knowing the subject or, for that matter, the Adversary. Very strange indeed.

Speaking of strange occurrences, I enjoyed a cream soda today. That, in itself, is not the strange part. For when I opened it and took the first delicious sip of the creamy nectar, my taste buds came alive and I was, in an instant, transported to a familiar church recreational room in our old home of York. I could smell the homemade sauce of Jim and Nina’s pizzeria. I could hear the music, the click-clacks, the bumper pool balls and the ping-pong. It was there, all of it, in a single delicious sip. It was… joyous to return, if but for a moment. I fear I may never have that moment again…. It was very good pizza. I hope you can find yourself back there, in that moment, one day.

I grow weary. As it turns out, yoga has relaxation properties as well! Which, I can tell you, was not a general side-effect of any of Mr. Kellogg’s “therapies”. In that I do find humor and wright that Julie has asked from the other room "what are you laughing at?".

Please see to it that our affections are given to your superb husband, your strapping boys, and their ever so charming families.

Warmest regards and Namaste,

Your Brother and Sister-in-law.


Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines.

Julie Dolan is an actress, musician and favorite Irish wife/Las Vegas Showgirl. We were thrilled the day she married my brother.

#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister #Julie Dolan #Coronacation

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