Monday, March 30, 2020

My Dearest Sister - March 30, 2020

My Dearest Sister,
The seedlings are showing the first signs of breaking through the newly laid soil. It will not be long before my day will be weeding and thinning of the garden… but I must occupy myself until then.
I took to the house plants today; they had been neglected for some time. Pruning, repotting, adding fresh soil, it was a pleasant way to pass some time and the rewards will be lush greenery in the parlor.

Your Sister-in-Law and I visited the office today. It was quite desolate. We needed be out for only a short time and returned straight home.

We received deliveries from the grocer and the mill. I am looking forward to getting to the fence.
Julie and I enjoyed “Taco Tuesday”, again. Since we had no earthly idea what day it is, we were sure no one could fault us if we were in error. I draw a wink as to inform you that we may have known the day all along but we feigned our own ignorance as an excuse for tortillas and margaritas…😉
It was a pleasant day and I believe we are settling into a new normal. It will be interesting to see what our days return to when this plague does pass. I am not in a hurry to find out, right now… ask me in a week, though…
I shall retire to bed, now.
Our endearing love to you, BBH, The Boys, their families.
Your Brother and Sister-in-Law.

Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines. 
Julie Dolan is an actress, musician and favorite Irish wife/Las Vegas Showgirl. We were thrilled the day she married my brother.
Bill Quern is my Beloved Husband and we're known collectively as Box and String.
#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister #Julie Dolan #Coronacation 

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