Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Dearest Brother - March 25, 2020

My Dearest Brother-

The eccentric passage of time continues to vex me during these days of confinement and isolation. The morning dawns with the promises of a day filled with honest hard labor and fanciful creations, but by mid afternoon a feline-bestrewn daybed beckons and, I blush to admit, so I retire with a small sip of the Irish wife's gift of Scandal Water and a few pages from the delightful Miss Austen.

I fear, however, my respite is often cut short by a plague of unsolicited telegraphed messages attempting to persuade me to purchase carpet cleaning services or demanding I send funds for unpaid taxes. I have reported these reprobates to the authorities on several occasions, but I fear my complaints only serve to encourage them. I believe I shall follow Our Dear Mother's example and attempt to hold them on the line with minor deceits such as feigned deafness, exaggerated senility, and mischievous misdirection. If they will interrupt my daily repose, I feel it only fair that I command a bit of entertainment from the encounter.

I am charmed by Julie's squirrel friend Squirt! I, too, have taken to naming our frequent visitors, and was confounded to realize that I had unknowingly named not one, but THREE of our furry yard mates "Nubbin". Nubbins 1, 2, and 3 had all encountered misfortune which had resulted in the loss of their magnificent tails. I could not imagine what had caused such a tragedy until yesterday morning when I peeked out the window and discovered an absolutely gorgeous specimen of a FOX gazing eagerly up at the bird feeder where another Nubbin-to-be sat paralyzed with fear. I had inadvertently established a veritable predator buffet stocked with plump, tasty, and very well-fed creatures! My tap on the pane was enough to send the sharp-toothed vixen on her way. I must remind the Best Beloved Husband to raised the feeders to higher ground at the first opportunity.

The family sends their best to you and Julie and, of course, Squirt

All my love,
Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines. 

Julie Dolan is an actress, musician and favorite Irish wife/Las Vegas Showgirl. We were thrilled the day she married my brother.

Bill Quern is my Beloved Husband and we're known collectively as Box and String.

#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister #Julie Dolan #Coronacation 

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