Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Dearest Sister - March 25, 2020

My Dearest Sister,
Your sister-in-law and I enjoyed your last correspondence very much. Julie went so far as to suggest that “Nubbin’s Tails” might be a delightful name for a jig or tune.
News here is not good. I fear this isolation shall continue for some time. We had word from the Governor that we may be months away from normality.

I hope you forgive my brevity this evening. I awoke this morning to news that an old friend had succumbed to the scourge that is cancer. He fought hard and was able to see his wonderful daughter wed.
Because of this news I find that my melancholy is more than usual today. I spent most of the day puttering about and daydreaming in remembrance of days gone by and words not spoken. I pray that this blight upon us does not bring us more sorrow, but my inclination is, that it shall.
The news has made me a bit dreary I’m afraid.
Tonight, I shall raise a glass of spirit to an old friend, say my nightly prayers and ask the good lord above to hold those dear to my heart in his gentle care, and then retire early to bed.
May we all take even but a moment to count our blessings and hold those in our hearts that we can not hold in our arms. And, when we raise our glasses high, may we all say “to the good times we all remember and to the great times yet to come”.
We hold you, your caring best husband, your wonderful boys and their loved ones, in our hearts, our blessings, and in our prayers.
Your Brother and Sister-in-law

Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines. 

Julie Dolan is an actress, musician and favorite Irish wife/Las Vegas Showgirl. We were thrilled the day she married my brother.

Bill Quern is my Beloved Husband and we're known collectively as Box and String.

#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister #Julie Dolan #Coronacation 

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