Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Dearest Sister - March 15, 2020

My Dearest Sister,

I hope this letter finds you well. I write to you on this second day of our self-imposed social distancing to tell you that we are faring well. Your sister-in-law, was able to carry on this morning, as usual. I do not need to tell of the resilience of the woman I married. After I arose this morning, sure as the rooster will crow from the fence post, my morning coffee was ser
ved. I believe it to be her hardy Irish heritage that allows her to forge ahead in such troubling times.

As for me, this illness that has grasped our Union has me bothered. With every passing hour there is new information. One-hour passes, it is likened to a cold. The next hour passes, it is portrayed as if it is taken from the darkest passages of The Good Lord’s Book. It does appear that the more information becomes available, the more apparent it is that we know very little. I fear I will not be sleeping well at night for some time.

Today it had my nerves in knots, so I took the time to start the garden, as that has proven, in the past, to be good for my constitution. I am pleased to let you know that when I went to turn the soil, I found that last year’s beans had taken it upon themselves to sprout! I believe that with this weather, we will be enjoying the fruits of the harvest as early as May.

Supplies are good here. Coming from snow country it must be in my breeding to have plenty of supplies on hand. We shall not run short or be for wanting. I have been assured by the Governor and by Mr. Kroger, the local grocer, that there is no need to panic, supply lines are well intact.

Tonight, I believe we shall sit by the fire, Julie and I, and count our blessings, for we have our home, our health, each other, and a joint Netflix account.

I did hear that others are not faring as well. News came to us that in one country, things are so bad, people have taken to the streets and balconies to play accordions! Dear God, I hope it never comes to that here.

Please give our warmest affection to your wonderful husband and our darling Nephews,

With love, Your Brother and sister in law, Lon and Julie



Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines.

#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister

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