Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Dearest Sister - April 4, 2020

My Dearest Sister,
Your Sister-in-Law and I arose with the sun, gathered our reusable handcrafted shopping sacks, 99.9% virus impenetrable masks, and a hardy handful of manufacturers coupons, and proceeded on an expedition to the local grocer that is not but a quarter mile from our home. The hour was so early that the market itself was desolate, but for a hand full of other shoppers who scurried about avoiding eye contact as if that was the overwhelming means of transmission of this most bothersome pestilence. I know what you must be thinking… coupons? Why yes, there is no reason to not save during these incredibly difficult times even if it is of a common practice like coupons. Which, I might add, along with our loyal customer discount, saved us a quarter of our substantial bill. “A penny saved is a penny earned” says Poor Richard.

After much cleaning and storing of our bounty, I set upon the repair of the picket fence. As with most household projects it took a turn into a more grandiose and rigorous venture than I had anticipated. My determination diminished to complete my labors in one day so I did what any reasonable person would do and halted my efforts entirely. As I sat on my porch bench looking beyond my gapped-tooth picket fence, I recalled that this would have been the time of our beloved Mother and our Yankee Father would have been at our residence for their yearly pilgrimage to our sunny coast. Perhaps it was not the inability to complete the task at hand in a timely manner that had me sunken into a woe after all. What a joy it would have been to tackle the labors at hand with the skills and craft of our Northern Patriarch at my side. As depression set in I had no recourse but fill the bird feeders and spend the rest of the daylight in the company of squirrels.
I have attached a few drawings from my watercolor sketch pad so that you might see the wonder that surrounds me. I pray you forgive my rudimentary skills and smudges as these were only intended as practice for later work. I tried mightily to draw a picture of your Sister-in-Law feeding peanuts to Squirt but as you can imagine it is difficult to get either of my quarry to remain still. Enjoy the wisteria against the house, orange blossom, and bee on camellia.
Julie and I did manage to partake in our yoga in the front lawn as the sun set. It was good to be in view of my half-completed project as we let calm and relaxation flow through us. In the end I concluded that it is a blessing that I have a fence that requires labors and that in this time of global uncertainty, my troubles are small in comparison and I am blessed to have things to occupy idle hands and mind. I also concluded, on much introspection, that I am quite optimistic when I say that my fence project is “half-completed”.
Many blessings to you, as always, your BBH too, your fine boys and their most endearing loved ones
Your Brother and Sister-in-Law

Lon Gowan is an actor/stuntman/writer and the most excellent brother a sister could ever want. His "My Dearest Sister" letters may be the best thing to happen to me during the COVID-19 Quarantines. 

Julie Dolan is an actress, musician and favorite Irish wife/Las Vegas Showgirl. We were thrilled the day she married my brother.

Susan Terry is a mediator, consultant, musician, and storyteller as well being our Esteemed Mother. She and her Yankee Husband and Gentleman Farmer, Stephen Parker live in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont at High Reach Farm

Bill Quern is my Beloved Husband and we're known collectively as Box and String.

#COVID19  #LonGowan  #MyDearestSister #Julie Dolan #Coronacation 

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